Saturday, December 31, 2011


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

GET IN THE GAME and turn it around.

I pondered on this topic for three or four days. I wanted to be able to get the correct message across without offending anyone. But the reality is this; there are many people out there, who know within themselves that their health is not optimum. Whether you suffer from diabetes, High Blood Pressure, high cholesterol, migraines, or any number of ailments, chances are: that whatever is ailing you is caused by poor eating habits. And chances are that it can be turned around or improved by adjusting your eating habits. Some of us actually think that it is normal and we can’t do anything about it. That is a lie from the pit of hell. And the devil wants to see us destroy our health. That way we are doing his job for him.
Some of us have decided that this is the year we will try to take better care of our bodies. Some of us will start off with a boom. How far we go as the year slides on depends solely on the individual. Continuing on the same path doing the same things we are used to doing will make the situation worse.
The only thing that goes away by ignoring it is time.
Your body is not a dollar bill, which with continued abuse will become deteriorated. When it becomes too worn, it is taken to the mint and shredded and replaced with a brand new one. Your body is not replaceable. It is the only one you have. The sooner you start to take better care, the sooner it will begin to repair itself.
 I know there are persons out there who are sitting and thinking to themselves that it is too late.
“I’m already on medication.” “I’m already doing insulin.”
Maybe you are saying, that the doctor says I have to take the medication for the rest of my life, so that means the hypertension can’t be cured.
Someone might be saying. “I am too fat, too much over weight. It does not matter anymore.”
I have actually heard a person say something to the effect of, I am going to eat what I want and live till I die. That is actually giving up without a fight. Are you not worth fighting for? Aren’t your children and grand- children worthy of having you around for those special moments in their lives?
Perhaps you are one of us who just have a little weight to lose, twenty, thirty, maybe forty pounds. And every year you promise yourself. You will start to lose it soon. Every day that you put it off, every month that you put it off, every year that you put it off, you are not only going further in the wrong direction, but making it harder to get motivated to start the journey back to optimum weight and better health.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

THE TIME IS RIGHT Be your own #1

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves at a crossroads, where we have to decide if we should turn in another direction, or keep on going the road we were on. We wonder if we have what it takes to change direction.  At the beginning of every year, we come to that place of decision. We want to do better in certain areas of our lives, and gather the resolve to tackle the issue.  You may know this process as making New Year’s resolutions. Many of them get lost as the months go on. Staying healthy and keeping our bodies in good condition is one of those challenges for many. In the area of weight loss and health improvement, having a team to cheer and support is of immeasurable value.
To feed our cells and organs optimally so that they function the way they should is increasingly a challenge because of several factors.  Our busy lifestyles at times, does not allow us to exercise the way we should. For some, daily medications and other chemicals interfere with the process of the elimination of harmful toxins from the body. Preparing healthy meals may appear to be an inconvenience at a glance, but it is not as challenging as it would seem.
Whatever the reason, as we get older it is increasingly more difficult to maintain optimum weight, vitality and bodily functioning. For some it is a few pounds of unwanted fat. For others it is maybe a bit more (fifteen or twenty pounds.) For others the journey may be a longer one to optimum weight because we are further away from the place where we want to be.
A friend of mine always jokes that she loses about 20 pounds each year. Looking at her, one would never guess that she lost 20 pounds, because I have never seen her body weight increase. But she continues; I lose the same five pounds over and over. Consider that if it was left unattended it really would have been an accumulation of 20 pounds.  Ignoring the issue of weight control does not make it go away. Good intentions do nothing for the prevention of illnesses and diseases which are caused by overweight. Being overweight is associated with certain conditions for a number of reasons. A body that is fed too much of the wrong food is still malnourished. So food is stored because the body feels deprived and stores what it can for future use. There is another theory that the body creates fat to house an accumulation of toxins in the body to save them from bedding down in the vital organs. (Do a quick research and see what you come up with)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Journey to SKINNY in 2012 “Dare to do it “ PART 2

If you missed PART 1, you can read it here.
In continuing from the previous article with the same name……This process can be maintained as a way of life rather than a diet, as one gets to enjoy the food they are used to without feeling deprived or hungry. Because there is less consumption of (the usually not so nutritious) food  to the digestive system, over time, the kidneys, liver and other digestive organs are less stressed and able to function better. As a result, the body regulates itself and blood pressure is stabilized, blood sugar is stabilized, cholesterol levels are stabilized and users have reported amazing transformations in other health conditions.
I dare say that the option to lose weight is not a challenge, but a “dare”. A decision in one’s mind that they have the courage to do it. As Nike ushered that dare to just do it, using the shoes they designed. I dare you to just do it, using the innovation of combining three special gifts of nature to get the job done. Nature has provided natural foods to aid the body in healing itself. SKINNY BODY CARE has provided a triple whammy of natural fibers to help us who are ready and want to rid our bodies of the excess fat and toxins. We are hardly going to be faced with a famine any time soon. We don’t need to store excess fat under our skin, around our organs, and in other parts of our body  that is making us sick.

Journey to SKINNY in 2012- “Dare to do it “ PART 1

Every now and again, I am confronted online with a challenge by one weight- loss company or another. A twenty-one day challenge, a sixty day challenge. And every time I see it my brain goes into a tail spin. I wonder if it is a contest between the person and the products you use to see which one will prevail? The fat or the product? Or is the challenge between the various users to see who will lose the most fat?  
A challenge brings to mind the idea of a contest that tests one’s skill or strength in a particular area. In some places it is described as a call to battle.
Alternatively, I prefer to think of a person’s decision to lose weight as a “dare”.  One’s decision to demonstrate that they have the courage or boldness to get the job done.
Losing weight has never been considered an easy task. The transformation has to start in the mind of the person. Until one’s mind is made up that this is what they want to do, no amount of external influences will get the job done. Yes, I said job and I said task previously, because that is what it is. If there is someone out there who has succeeded in intentionally losing weight without putting out a great deal of effort, I invite you to share your experience with others who may benefit from it. Who knows I may be missing a few details along the way.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Saturday, December 10, 2011

THE RULES DO NOT CHANGE (change your mindset)

Every now and again, the slightest little occurrence causes me to go into deep thought. Like an “encounter” I had with an online virtual assistant (sorry; expert) earlier today.
 I was in one of those mellow moods where I didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I just wanted to be alone with myself and enjoy my own company. But I have noticed that when I remember things that I need to do, I either have to do them right away, or make a physical note of it. (The mental notes are not as effective anymore)
So, it flashed into my mind that I can go online and talk to a customer service representative about my query.
A few clicks soon led me to the help section and I located “Charlie” –A female Charlie. Have you noticed that virtual assistants usually have a name that ends with an –ie-? Kylie, Charlie. Must be easier to write in computer code.


For the most part civilization does not just drift along. Many things are planned and structured for eventualities. Some things we know will l change so we plan for them.
We know that children grow into adults and need to function as adults so we prepare them by providing an education.
We know that the seasons will change, (at least in some locations) so we install central heat when we build houses, so that we are ready when winter comes around.
We know that we will get hungry so we go to the supermarket so that we have food when we do get hungry. We know that the bills need to be paid so we secure a source of income, and work at securing and increasing it.
We know that if we are lucky we will get old and not be able to function as before so we provide for that eventuality with retirement plans etc.
For the most part, the things that are sureties, are things that humanity has no control over.


When you decide to purchase a product whether it is a food item, household goods, a car, or anything that is on the market, your decision is mostly based on who has been able to sell you on their product. The selling comes before the purchasing. Once you are “sold” the purchasing comes after. By the time you reach the supermarket you know what brand of detergent you will buy because you are already sold on it. Maybe you have used it for years and have no intention of switching. Maybe the television ad was impressive. Or a neighbor recommended it. Maybe the manufacturer enticed you with a 30 cents coupon. Maybe you believed that you could smell the sunshine in the bottle. However it happened you were sold.
What have you “sold” today?

Happy Holidays!! Stay Safe!!

Well, it is HOLIDAY SEASON again!! I am sure you noticed. Lights are everywhere. On the streets, in the trees, on the houses, in the stores, and each year, creative minds find additional ways to declare that it is holiday time, and we are celebrating in a big way.
Some of us celebrate Christmas, some celebrate Quanza, and yet others celebrate Hanukkah. Some celebrate birthdays or anniversaries during the holidays. And when we add the office parties, the club parties, the group gatherings and family affairs, it makes for a massive continuous almost month long celebration.